
SunGAP is a management consultant and a technical advisor firm that aims to support main energy operators in order to recover the “GAP” of energy production from fossil fuels in favor of renewables, offering a service tailored to the customer’s needs.

Thanks to the experience gained working alongside major multinational corporations, by understanding complexity and needs we can deeply support our customers in issues ranging from administrative or bureaucratic concerns, to purely specialized topics related to the life cycle of the plants, defining new limits to the sectors best practices.

“If there is a better way to do it, find it” is the way we conceive our work, based on Passion, Integrity and Responsibility. Thanks to these strong bases, we can be proud of collaborating with important realities of this sector at a global level, among the most important IPPs and investment companies operating in Europe.

Our proactive support accompanies the client in the decision-making and implementation phase of the projects, providing a comfort that derives from our strong technical background and the assurance of acting in the sole interest of the client and with the unique goal of increasing the investments profitability of the asset under management.

We are able to work with great professionalism at all decision-making levels, from the board to the construction site, without ever leaving anything to chance.

Accelerating the Energy Transition!